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TagsJudaism, bolshevism, commissars, communism, jews, robert_wilson
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nagolbud: Star of Remphan Synagogue of Satan. Jews don't even exist normie. Go back to
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nagolbud: Fuckin' normies on Chud Star wtf. Where are the Chudarisees...

“Why would the Jesuits use their implacable enemy, the Jews, to further their designs for world dominion? The Jesuits never do anything out in the open where they can be exposed. If they are recognized as the culprits, they will be blamed and suffer the consequences, but if they can use someone else as the ‘cause of the world’s problems’, especially an enemy they can destroy in the process, then they have simultaneously accomplished two of their objectives. The Jewish people are the perfect scapegoat. Since the Rothschilds are Jesuit agents operating under a Jewish cover, using them [i.e., the Rothschilds] in forming the Illuminati back in 1776 effectively throws the onus of this conspiracy on the Jews. The Rothschilds are certainly not the only Jesuit agents that operate under a Jewish front.” – William Sutton
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Anonymous1: Jesuit above me
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nagolbud: False flag.